Healthy Lifestyle

Causes of Menstrual Delay

The first reason that comes to mind is pregnancy. A hospital pregnancy test is necessary, especially when the menstrual delay exceeds 4-5 days and there are signs of pregnancy. You can also buy these tests from pharmacies. Even if the worst negative result comes out in the slightest doubt in your mind, if we think that you will go to the hospital so that there is no doubt in your mind, the tests performed in the hospital seem more logical. However, as you will read shortly, pregnancy is not the only reason for delayed menstruation. Therefore, do not panic.

Obesity or Weakness

Obesity or thinness is among the unknowns about menstrual irregularity. Menstrual delay as a result of obesity or weakness is quite normal and common. It is normal to experience a missed period when you lose excessive weight. Of course, you might think the opposite. If there is a weight gain/loss that causes menstrual irregularity, discuss this with your dietitian privately. After consultation, your dietitian can make appropriate additions or subtractions to your diet.

Hormonal Disturbances

Although pregnancy is the most suspected cause of menstrual delay, one of the most common causes as a result of researches is hormonal disorders. The experts of the subject inform the patients who come to the control on this issue. It is necessary to see doctors not only during menstrual delay, but also for feminine conditions or hormones at certain intervals. If you have hormonal problems, it is normal to experience menstrual irregularity.

Chronic Diseases

Menstrual irregularity is also common in women with chronic diseases. However, it is possible to overcome the chronic disease with medication and get rid of it. If you experience menstrual irregularity, it may be the cause of chronic diseases. You have to keep this in mind.

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Birth Control Pills

Doctors nowadays hardly recommend birth control pills. Birth control pills are said to cause not only menstrual delay, but also multiple hormonal disorders. No matter how much doctors warn, a certain group of people do not stop using these pills. Again, as with other substances, if you use these pills, you have to take the risk of menstrual irregularity.

Doing Too Much Sports

I see those who say that they should have a fit body especially before the summer months come. Excessive exercise and diet can cause menstrual irregularity. The fact that women are obsessed with weight can actually cause serious discomfort. Menstrual delay is one of them. It is necessary to know that there is a situation that can happen to you, although not always.

Stress and Sadness

Stress and sadness are among the causes of delayed menstruation. One of the main reasons for delayed menstruation is stress and sadness. In fact, it has become one of the strongest causes of menstrual delay in large-scale scientific studies in recent years. Depression or extreme sadness will also seriously affect your menstrual days.

Side Effects of Some Medications

We don’t usually read or research the side effects of the drugs we drink. However, some drugs can cause a delay in menstruation. Antidepressants, thyroid and chemotherapy drugs are among the most common drugs. These drugs and some drugs that we do not think of may be the causes of menstrual delay. For this reason, you need to analyze the drugs you drink, if any, related to menstrual irregularity.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS

It is a disease that is among the causes of delay, which is little known among the public. To give a brief explanation, this discomfort seen in women. It causes excessive hair growth and menstrual irregularity. You can get over this syndrome after some medical tests.

Early Period of Menstruation

It may take time for menstruation to settle in the early stages of puberty. Menstrual irregularity enters rhythm after a certain time. In this process, young girls should not be stressed and should not disrupt the natural flow. However, a doctor’s control is required for 1 week delays.


This little-known term is also called the menopausal transition period. Menstrual irregularity is among the main causes of this period. In fact, this process prepares you for menopause. For this reason, this process may upset you. It is a long and very difficult process that takes between 2 or 7 years.


It is an expected situation in every menstrual irregularity, especially after a certain age. However, as we mentioned above, it is only one of dozens of reasons. However, the cause of your menstrual irregularity may be menopause. The previous item (perimenopause) is also the transition period.

Prolonged Diseases

Long-term illnesses can even be included in the flu. Long-term illnesses or illnesses can cause a delay in menstruation. In general, this item does not come to many women’s minds. It is among the causes of menstrual irregularity.

Intense Travel Pace

When we go too far in our travels, we may experience menstrual delay. Excessive tiredness of the body and excessive tempo can cause many discomforts other than menstrual delay.

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Uterine Disorders

It is among the causes of delayed menstruation in uterine diseases. Unfortunately, because our people do not have a routine control habit, it is a different substance that is learned when we go because of delayed menstruation.

Other Causes of Menstrual Delay

  • brain disorders
  • Tumor
  • Abortion
  • Breast-feeding
  • Malnutrition

gynecological diseases

When to Go to the Doctor in Menstrual Delay?

If the menstrual delay has exceeded 7 days or 1 week, you should definitely go to the doctor. Stress in 2-3 days can accelerate this process. In other words, you should not panic just because 1-2 days have passed. Of course, there is no harm in going after 4-5 days. However, panic causes another reason. It is among the items mentioned above. Menstrual delay up to 7 days delay is considered normal by experts.

Menstrual Delay Treatment
As you can see above, there may be a delay in menstruation for dozens of reasons. For this reason, it is necessary to stay away from herbal solutions written on some sites. Knowing what causes your menstrual irregularity can sometimes be difficult even with tests. Therefore, the best solution would be to go to the doctor. As a result of the diagnosis, the treatment method will be decided. In most cases, except for the disease, recovery can be achieved without medication. To facilitate the treatment, what you will do is not to panic. You can share your questions about menstruation with us under the subject without hesitation.


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