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Which Department Should I Go to for Weakness Disease?

Which Department Should I Go to for Weakness Disease?

Weight loss disease is excessive weight loss or no weight gain due to some health reasons. One of the problems that many of us face today is not gaining weight. The main reasons for not gaining weight are; very fast metabolism, eating irregularly, eating disorder due to psychological problems, the effect of some drugs used and disorders in the digestive system. Not gaining weight, also known as a weakness disease, is accepted as a disease in the medical literature. The name of the weakness disease in the medical literature is called Anorexia Nervosa. In recent years, there has been a great increase in this disease.

What Causes Weakness

There are three factors that cause weakness disease. We can list them as follows:

1- Biological Factors

2- Psychological Factors

3- Environmental Factors

Biological Factors: Metabolism disorder, digestive system disorder, side effects in drug use, irregular and unhealthy diet are some of the biological factors. Psychological Factors: Improper nutrition during infancy and childhood, depressive movements, and exclusion from society are among the psychological factors. Environmental Factors: One of the biggest environmental factors is that thinness is among the standards of beauty by the society.

What are the Symptoms of Weakness Disease?

One of the first symptoms of weakness, which is most common in adolescence, is the fear of gaining weight. These people avoid eating and follow a diet in every aspect of their lives. They definitely stay away from foods that contain carbohydrates, especially by removing them from their lives. These people constantly make excuses not to eat at meal times and stay away from places where there is food. When people with a weakness disease think of food, nausea begins and often resigns consciously. Sexual reluctance, loss of self, depression, social phobia, sensitivity to cold, low blood pressure, slowing of gastric emptying, low pulse, menstrual irregularity are among the symptoms of the disease.

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Which Department Should I Go to for Weakness Disease?
Which Department Should I Go to for Weakness Disease?

So what should be done for the disease of weakness?

The first thing to do is to apply to the hospital route. Many departments can be consulted for the treatment of wasting disease in hospitals. The sections to apply are listed in the following section.

Which Department Should I Go To For Weakness Disease?

For Weakness caused by metabolism, it is necessary to go to the Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases department of hospitals. With some treatment methods that the doctor will apply, a cure for weakness can be found. If you suffer from weight loss due to psychological problems, you can apply to the nearest psychiatric center. In addition, dietitians also apply certain types of diets to gain weight.

If you have been diagnosed with weakness due to the drugs you use, you should definitely talk to your doctor and report that the drug has side effects. If you suffer from weakness due to problems in the digestive system, you should apply to the internal medicine department of the nearest hospital. Briefly, the sections that should be visited for the disease of weakness are as follows; psychiatry, dietitian, psychology, orthopedics, endocrinology, physiotherapy.

Is Weakness Disease Hereditary?

So far, there has been no evidence in the medical world that the weakness disease is hereditary. In general, the disease of weakness occurs due to external factors.

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