Healthy Lifestyle

What is the Contribution of Vitamins to the Body?

What is the Contribution of Vitamins to the Body?

What can we do to strengthen our body these days when we understand that our health is more important than anything else? We can protect our immune system by eating a healthy diet. In order to do this, we must eat well and make use of the vitamins contained in foods in sufficient amounts.

The contribution of vitamins to our body is quite high. But first, let’s take a brief look at what a vitamin is and what vitamins are in which foods. Vitamin: If we think of our body as a kind of process, it is the raw material necessary for the proper management of this process. In other words, they are organic compounds that are indispensable for our body and found in many foods. These compounds form a kind of defense mechanism to protect our body against many diseases.

If not, the process starts to fail. In other words, our body’s immunity is reduced and it remains vulnerable to many diseases. In this regard, vitamins contribute a lot to our body.

There are water-soluble vitamins as well as fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble: A, D, E, K, Water-soluble: Group B and vitamin C.

Many foods contain different vitamins in different amounts. For example:

  • Vitamin A in products such as asparagus, apricot, tomato, parsley, orange, lettuce, celery, carrot, plum, spinach,
  • Vitamin D from fish oil, fish, liver, eggs, butter, meat, vegetables and the Sun,
  • Vitamin E from seeds, oats, corn, corn oil, spinach, cabbage, celery, walnuts, soy, wheat,
  • Vitamin K from strawberries, peaches, bananas, corn, zucchini, rice, green peppers, green tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, cow’s milk, cheese, butter, eggs, liver and red meat,
  • Vitamin C from citrus fruits, broccoli, carrots, onions, peas, melon, watermelon …
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, mutton, brewer’s yeast, eggs, milk … vitamin B1 from fish meat,
  • Liver, kidney, potato, carrot, hazelnut, lentil … B2 vitamin,
  • From peanuts, dates, offal, red meat, legumes … Vitamin B3,
  • Liver, kidney, red meat, fish, chicken … Vitamin B6,There is also vitamin B12 from products such as liver, heart, kidney, chicken, red meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs.
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What is the Contribution of Vitamins to the Body?
What is the Contribution of Vitamins to the Body?

In order to strengthen our immune system for a healthy life, we need vitamins and therefore foods containing vitamins. The benefits of vitamins are not only limited to protecting our immunity, but to be more specific;

  1. Vitamin A: In terms of our eye health,
  2. Vitamin D: In conditions such as bone development, muscle fatigue,
  3. Vitamin E: The nervous system, especially during the bone development of children,
  4. Vitamin K: For cardiovascular health and blood clotting,
  5. Vitamin C: Joint health and gum disease in children,
  6. Vitamin B1: In metabolic disorders,
  7. Vitamin B2: Skin peeling, eye inflammation …,
  8. Vitamin B3: In respiratory conditions,
  9. Vitamin B6: In the formation of fatigue,
  10. Vitamin B12: It is extremely important in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamins, which can cause serious problems in their deficiency, contribute a lot to our body. Knowing which food is consumed, which vitamins we take, and how these vitamins contribute to our body, will make it easier for us to have healthy days.

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