Healthy Lifestyle

Benefits of Vitamin D (What is Rickets?)

What are the benefits of Vitamin D? What is Rickets? Which foods contain Vitamin D? Vitamin D helps strengthen bones, especially by accelerating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and is particularly important for bone development in children. Vitamin D can both be produced by the body with the help of the sun and can be taken by external nutrients. Vitamin D, which is found in the nutrients taken into the body, dissolves in fat and meets the body’s need.

|Importance of Vitamin C|

Benefits of Vitamin D

  • Effective in the development of bones.
  • Prevents bone loss in advanced age.
  • Strengthens the muscles.
  • Reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Useful for bone and tooth development in infants and children.
  • Essential for the immune system.
  • Prevents heart disease by strengthening muscles.
  • The worst enemy of rickets.

Which foods contain Vitamin D?

Foods containing Vitamin D should be consumed regularly, but the number of foods containing vitamin D is quite low. It is found in cheese, butter, oily fish, fish oil, eggs, and potatoes. It is not enough to consume nutrients containing vitamin D alone because vitamin D cannot be taken alone without sunlight. Therefore, walking during the day largely meets the need for vitamin D.

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Diseases in Vitamin D Deficiency

  • The muscles become weaker.
  • It makes the body feel achy and sluggish.
  • Teeth become weaker.
  • The risk of asthma, cancer, and psoriasis increases.
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Vitamin D and Rickets

Rickets is a type of bone disease usually seen in children aged 6-18 months, and it causes bone disorders in later ages. Although it is not a common disease today, it had caused many children to die before vitamin D is found. Rickets causes disorders of the spine and deformity.

Causes of Rickets

The most essential reason of rickets is to prevent the formation of vitamin D by being deprived of the sun. It may also be due to the inability to absorb vitamin D in the intestines. Not seeing the sun prevents the formation of vitamin D. It is common in children who do not see the sun. It is caused by the fact that calcium and phosphate are not fully absorbed by the body as well as vitamin D.

Treatment of Rickets

Since rickets is often due to lack of sunlight, you often have to take your child to the sun. It is necessary to continue breastmilk for at least six months because breastmilk strengthens the immune system against many diseases.

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