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What is good for a sore throat? What are herbal solutions that can be applied at home?

What is good for a sore throat? What are herbal solutions that can be applied at home?

If you say what is good for sore throat, you are on the right page. What are home remedies, herbal solutions for sore throat? If you are asking what is good for a sore throat, you are on the right page. You can easily get rid of this pain with treatment methods and herbal solutions that you can apply at home. So what is good for sore throat? Are there any herbal methods that offer definitive home remedies for sore throat?

A sore throat can make drinking, eating and swallowing difficult, and in more serious cases, even speaking. So what is good for sore throat? What are the treatment methods that can be applied at home, herbal methods that are the definitive solutions?

What is good for sore throat, is it possible to remedy at home?

These methods and herbal solutions that you can apply at home will be good for sore throat:

  • Eating honey or drinking tea with honey. Honey, which you can consume by spooning or with your tea, is one of the best solutions for sore throat. Some studies show that honey is even more effective at curbing nighttime coughs than cough syrups.
  • Gargling with salt and carbonated water. It is one of the best methods that can be applied at home. According to the recommendation of the US National Cancer Institute; Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water. After gargling for a while, do not swallow and spit. You can repeat the mouthwash every 3 hours.
  • Take pastilles and sugar. Both are good for sore throats. However, do not give it to children under 5 years of age, due to the risk of choking.

What are herbal solutions that are good for sore throat?

For those who cannot swallow, there are also alternative herbal remedies that you can apply at home, which are good for sore throat. The effects of home remedies, which are good for sore throats, vary from person to person. What matters here is the health condition of the person and the underlying cause of the sore throat …

  • Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea, which has been used for healing for thousands of years, will relieve your throat thanks to its natural properties.
  • Mint oil. Menthol in peppermint oil is a substance that thinks sputum and relieves sore throats.
  • Grass. According to researches, fenugreek seeds, oil and age kill the bacteria that cause sore throat and soothe the throat.
  • Garlic. Another herbal product that will remedy those who say what is good for sore throat is garlic.
  • Sage. As we all know, sage has a sore throat relief effect.
  • Medicinal Root / Medicinal Root (Althaea officinalis L.)
  • Licorice root. It relaxes the sputum in the throat by softening.
  • Clove. By adding it to your teas, you can benefit from its pain relieving effect.
  • Red elm
  • Honeysuckle flower
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Although these products are generally consumed by making tea, you can ask how you should use them while buying.

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How does a sore throat go?

After the question of what is good for sore throat and herbal solutions, there are some points that can be considered for the relief of sore throat. By paying attention to these, you can make your discomfort pass faster. So what causes a sore throat?

  • Rest. Especially resting your throat and not talking too much; If possible, resting at home will be good for your illness.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids. Taking liquids prevents your throat from drying out. Drinking too much coffee and drinking alcohol can dry your throat, stay away.
  • Consume foods that are good for your throat. Herbal teas with honey such as fennel, sage, linden, chicken or broth soups will be good for sore throat. It will sound interesting, but cold foods such as fruit ice are also good for your throat.
  • Humidify the air. You can humidify the air using a cold steam machine. If you do not have such a possibility, breathe in a steamy bath for a while.
  • Avoid smoking and other chemicals. Do not smoke when your throat hurts, smoke and bleach etc. in your environment. If the chemicals smell, ventilate the room.

What is good for a sore throat? How is sore throat? Throat What causes pain? Why does my throat hurt?

When saying what is good for a sore throat, it is also important to know the cause of the pain. Causes of sore throat may include a cold, viral infections such as the common cold, or a bacterial infection such as Streptococcus. Other causes of sore throat are as follows:

  • Allergies. Pet hair, mildew, dust and pollen allergies can cause a sore throat.
  • Dryness. Especially in winter, the drying of the indoor air due to the stove and heating can cause an itching-like feeling and discomfort in the throat. Mouth breathing due to nasal congestion can also lead to a dry and uncomfortable throat.
  • Chemicals. Outdoor pollution and indoor smoking, chemical (bleach, etc.) air pollution can also cause a chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, eating spicy food can also irritate your throat.
  • Muscle tension. Yelling and loud talking can cause strain and pain in the muscles in your throat.
  • Reflux. Reflux is a condition that causes stomach acids to leak into the esophagus. It can cause a sore throat.
  • HIV Infection. Sore throat and flu-like symptoms can occur shortly after contracting HIV.
  • Tumors. Cancerous tumors in the throat, tongue and vocal cords also cause a sore throat.
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What is good for a sore throat? Herbal remedies at home

What are the symptoms of a sore throat? You may feel different symptoms that lead you to say what is good for a sore throat. These symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • A painful or itchy sensation in the throat
  • Increased pain when talking or swallowing
  • Difficulty swallowing,
  • Pain, swelling in the glands in your neck or jaw,
  • Redness and swelling of the tonsils,
  • White spots on your tonsils,
  • Hoarse voice.

How can a sore throat be prevented?

Before talking about what’s good for a sore throat, the best way to prevent discomfort is to pay attention to good hygiene. Teach these rules to your child as well and spend the winter months without getting sick:

  • Wash your hands. Wash your hands often and well, especially after using the toilet, before eating, after sneezing and coughing.
  • Avoid sharing food, glasses, and cutlery.
  • When coughing or sneezing, always use a handkerchief and throw it away. If you don’t have a handkerchief, sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
  • When water and soap are not available, use alcohol hand washing gels as a hand wash alternative.
  • Do not touch your mouth in public places such as a phone booth phone and fountain.
  • Regularly clean devices such as phones, televisions remote, computer keyboards, using a suitable cleaner.
  • Avoid close contact with sick people.

Is a sore throat contagious?

Sore throat is not directly contagious. However, the cause of sore throat can be contagious. Therefore, an illness that can be transmitted from you can cause other members of your family or colleagues to get sick and experience sore throat.

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How many days does a sore throat go?

Those who ask the question of what is good for sore throat also wonder how many days the sore throat passes. Sore throat caused by viral infections usually passes between 5 and 7 days without the need for a medical intervention.

Note: Consult your doctor before using herbal treatments. The substances contained in these herbs may interact with the medications you take, and may cause side effects in people with health problems, pregnant women and children. If you have a bacterial infection and need to take antibiotics, don’t rely solely on alternative treatments.

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