Healthy Lifestyle

7 great diet-friendly drinks

7 great diet-friendly drinks

Don’t be put off by saying a drink, you might be shocked to hear the amount of calories some contain! No matter how healthy your diet is, you won’t lose weight if your drinks are unhealthy. Healthy eating includes not only eating the right foods, but also consuming the right drinks. Here are 7 great diet-friendly drinks.

Green tea and lemon

One of the best classic diet-friendly drinks is the famous green tea. You can use lemon to add more health and flavor to your green tea. Lemon is high in vitamin C, and when the antioxidants in green tea and the vitamin C in lemon are combined, the result will be a very strong drink. Green tea lowers your blood sugar, reduces stress and is great for your metabolism. It is also a complete diet friend with anti-aging benefits and low calorie.

Sugar-free lemonade

Lemonade is a great alternative to many fruit juices. Especially if it is made without sugar, it is a complete diet friend. You can easily consume sugar-free lemonade in your healthy eating routine.

Almond milk

Almond milk is an incredibly delicious alternative to cow’s milk, it can be made at home, it’s vegan and very healthy. Almond milk is the most commonly used milk among herbal milks and nuts. The color of almond milk, which has a higher calcium content than cow’s milk, is darker beige than cow’s milk. Almond milk does not contain lactose and is very rich in antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and calcium. 1 glass of almond milk meets 30% of the daily calcium need and 125% of the vitamin E need.

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Almond milk is very easy to make. Put 1 cup of raw almonds in water overnight and soak in water for at least 8 hours. The next day, strain the almonds and rinse them with water. Blend 4 glasses of water and almonds. Blend in the blender for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the mixer when you get a homogeneous and fluid mixture. You can add honey, cocoa or cinnamon to sweeten the milk.

7 great diet-friendly drinks
7 great diet-friendly drinks

Green smoothie

Green smoothies are also great for any diet. Green smoothies, which can be consumed even for breakfast occasionally, act as a detox in the body and help remove toxins.

To prepare the green smoothie, simply add 1 cucumber, 1 green apple, parsley, arugula, purslane, celery leaf, thin slice of ginger, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 lime juice, 1 glass of water in the blender and mix. Bon Appetit!


Let’s not forget to add water, the simplest but healthiest drink ever, to our list. When you feel thirsty, don’t try to swap other drinks and make sure you drink enough water each day.

Hot cocoa

It’s not hot chocolate, it’s hot cocoa; Let’s draw your attention to this detail. Hot cocoa is a great drink that will both warm you up and satisfy your sweet tooth. Add 1 teaspoon of powdered cocoa to a glass of milk (preferably almond milk or coconut milk) and boil in a pot, stirring.


Coffee, which is an indispensable drink in our mornings, is very beneficial when consumed in the right amount. Coffee contains even more antioxidants than blueberries or spinach. Coffee is a great source of magnesium, B vitamins, and anti-aging ingredients. The things you should avoid while drinking coffee should not exceed 3 cups a day and avoid unhealthy additions such as cream, sugar and syrup.

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