Diseases & Conditions

10 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

What are the health benefits of kiwi? Can kiwi fruit cure cancer? Why do Kiwis help you sleep? The health benefits of kiwi include improving the health of the digestive and open circulatory system. The presence of antioxidants in kiwifruit is beneficial in various medical conditions such as cancer, insomnia, yellow spot disease, and diabetes.

Kiwi, which is rich in flavonoids, contributes to keeping skin healthy during pregnancy and supports iron absorption in the body. The microbicidal properties of kiwifruit protect against many pathogens (disease-causing microbes) and strengthen the body’s immune defense. Here, we will explain the ten health benefits of kiwi. 

10 Health Benefits of Kiwi

10 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit
10 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

#1) Antioxidant:  Kiwi provides a striking amount of vitamin C along with other phenolic compounds and carotenoids that support health. A study shows that kiwi contains stronger antioxidant quality than orange and grapefruit. Besides, kiwi protects DNA in body cells from oxidative damage affected by free radicals. It reduces the risk of inflammation and disease.

#2) Better Sleep: Kiwi is a source of serotonin that helps to sleep better. In studies conducted on this subject, it has been shown that kiwi consumption helps to improve sleep efficiency and total sleep time. Kiwi also regulates the problem of falling asleep and reduces the time to wake up after sleep. Thus, it provides relief from sleep disturbances. Kiwi contains a good number of flavonoids such as naringin, quercetin, routine, catechin, which is an effective sedative substance originating from plants that regulate the nerves that trigger sleep.

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#3) Cancer: Kiwi is used in traditional Chinese medicine because it is effective in the treatment of various types of cancer such as liver cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and lung cancer. Kiwi extract prevents cancer cells from spreading and prevents internal DNA damage. Kiwi fights cancer by creating cytotoxicity against toxic cancer cells without affecting normal and healthy cells. The abundance of antioxidants, carotenoids, and vitamins in combination with fiber increases the effectiveness of kiwi in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

10 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit
10 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

#4) Heart and Circulatory System: Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, and protective polyphenol, which is effective in the protection of cardiovascular health. A research study revealed that kiwi has inhibitory activities that help reduce triglycerides in the blood. According to the study, consumption of two kiwis per day helps to reduce the risk of platelet attack or blood clotting. This fibrinolytic effect of kiwi in blood vessels reduces the risk of heart disorders such as thromboembolic and vascular occlusion.

#5) Skin Care: Kiwi helps maintain healthy and smooth skin thanks to its significant contribution to the collagen synthesis process. Kiwi contains more vitamin C than an orange. The presence of vitamin E helps reduce wrinkles and helps to reduce the harmful effects of ultra-violet rays on the skin.

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#6) Pregnancy: Kiwi is an excellent fruit for pregnant women due to its rich folic acid content. Folic acid helps prevent the occurrence of nervous system disorders in unborn babies and is essential for brain and mental development. The presence of other important nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, together with flavonoids in the blood, is beneficial for the general health and development of the fetus and pregnant women.

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#7) Digestive: Kiwi is useful for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is rich in fiber that supports digestion and intestinal health. It helps to get rid of constipation by activating the intestinal system. Thanks to the fiber content of kiwi, the natural laxative feature enlarges and softens the feces. A study on kiwis has shown that it contains a good amount of protein-degrading enzyme that accelerates the digestion of proteins and facilitates the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

#8) Diabetes: A study of the kiwi extract revealed that the consumption of kiwi helps regulate adipogenesis, which is significant for diabetes prevention. Fat tissue dysfunction in the body is involved in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.

#9) Immune System: Kiwi contributes to the regulation of the hereditary and subsequent immune system, which is critical to the body’s ability to function properly. Its antimicrobial and antifungal properties help to combat seasonal infections and other diseases. Kiwifruit extracts endeavor as a bacterial inhibitor against disease-causing microbes. Kiwi helps in reducing the symptoms of colds, flu, and other upper respiratory tract infections. It also has anti-inflammatory effects.

#10) Yellow Spot Disease: Kiwi is an eye-friendly fruit and provides benefits for eye health. Kiwi is a source of lutein and zeaxanthin from plant-based chemicals, which are critical components in eye health. These beneficial ingredients, together with vitamin A, protect the eye from cataracts, aging yellow spot disease, and other visual disturbances.

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