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What is heart muscle inflammation, what causes it, what are the symptoms?

What is heart muscle inflammation, what causes it, what are the symptoms?

Inflammation of the heart muscle or in other words Myocarditis continues to be on the agenda recently. The heart is made up more or less entirely of muscle. This muscle, like muscles in other parts of the body, can become inflamed as a result of infection. Then the heartbeat quickens; palpitations, fatigue and shortness of breath may occur. Cardiac muscle inflammation can be seen as a result of viral and bacterial diseases, but it is detected by tests only when it gives clear and serious symptoms. Serious heart muscle inflammation is very rare. So, what is heart muscle inflammation, what are the symptoms? Here, that information

Inflammation of the heart muscle (Myocarditis) is one of the prominent health problems in certain periods. Myocarditis, also known as heart muscle inflammation, is caused by a virus. This disease, which draws attention after the emergence of findings that Covid-19 also causes myocarditis, can be detected by electrocardiography. Here, Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Assoc. Oğuz Yılmaz’s statements about heart muscle inflammation


There are several causes of heart muscle inflammation. The most common cause of illness in most Western countries is a virus belonging to the Coxsackie B family. Mumps, influenza, measles, polio viruses can also cause the disease. In septicemia, inflammation of the heart muscle can also occur with high levels of bacteria mixing into the blood.

These infections are very dangerous. The disease can also be seen as a complication of diphtheria, but this probability is very low in children vaccinated against diphtheria. Another cause of disease is trichinosis. (disease caused by eating pork contaminated with the larvae of the worm called trichinella spiralis) Parasite-related heart muscle infections are more common in tropical countries and often occur as complications of other parasitic diseases (Chagas disease in South and Central America, sleeping sickness in Africa).

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The first test of the heart muscle is the electrocardiography to be applied when suspected. If it is not cardiac, the EKG shows the rates of heartbeats (tachycardia) and extrasystoles that disrupt the normal system. X-rays occur because the heart is growing in diameter. One of the early onset of the heartbeat is two inflating balloons. The elegance of the flaps and flaps from these ornaments. This target blood flows back and systolic hearing, that is, out of the way the heart pumps blood. The heart cannot work as efficiently as before for contraction. The blood accumulating in the lungs causes breathing, and the insufficient functioning of the right side causes edema in the ankles.


It is made by treating bacteria and heart muscle. A suitable method for this is the number of antiviral buttons, and there is no other technique other than the heart for the most common visual use. According to experience, it is seen that the side effects that can be seen are benefited. Deaths in heart rhythms in heavy processing conditions. Coxsackie B and X-ray bedded ECG.

One of the most effective drugs in the acute phase of virus infection is aspirin. But for it to be effective, it is necessary to take 1-2 aspirin tablets every four hours. Irregularity in heartbeat is treated with local anesthetics and diuretics that reduce the load on the heart by removing fluid. Eating less salt also helps the treatment. If heart muscle inflammation is caused by a virus, there is a slight chance of recurrence. In this case, the best treatment is to rest in bed again and take aspirin.

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