
Menstrual Mechanism and Beginning of Pregnancy

Menstrual Mechanism and Beginning of Pregnancy

Menstruation mechanism is an event that takes place in the brain. The ovulation day of a person who sees 1 piece in 28 days is the 14th day.

Every time a person has menstruation, a hormone called GnRH stimulates the FSH hormone in the brain. It ensures the maturation of the structure of the egg cell by secreting the FHS hormone. Accordingly, as the follicle matures, the production of the estrogen hormone increases. Later, the increase in estrogen affects the LH hormone and increases the luteinizing hormone secreted in the hyposive region. For this reason, as the follicle matures, the fluid in the sac also increases.

What are the Events in the Ovary?

When the mature follicle reaches 16 to 20 millimeters, the estrogen hormone reaches its maximum level in the blood. This situation causes the increase of LH hormone. Then the LH hormone reaches its highest level, causing the follicle to crack. Thus, the egg cell (oocyte) is released and enters the fallopian tube.

With the cracking of the follicle, the “corpus luteum” structure called the yellow body is formed in the region. This causes the progesterone hormone to increase. If pregnancy does not occur during this period, the resulting structure ends on the 14th day. However, if pregnancy occurs during this period, this structure lasts for the 10th week to support it and progesterone secretion continues.

Beginning of Menstrual-Bleeding

The corpus luteum’s menstrual cycle is 14 days in each woman. Progesterone secretion in the blood decreases as we approach today. Thus, the endometrium layer loses its support and begins to fall off. Menstrual bleeding begins with this spill. According to 1 piece in 28 days, the ovulation of a person is 14 days.

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Post-Fertilization Pregnancy

The lifetime of the oocyte secreted at the beginning of pregnancy varies between 12 and 24 hours. In this process, the oocyte meets with the sperm and fertilization begins by entering the oostine. Then, as a result of the combination of ossite and sperm, implantation occurs by settling in the intrauterine layer. In this direction, pregnancy begins for the expectant mother. HCG hormone is secreted in the implantation cells and the formation of embryos begins by multiplying in the cells. However, if pregnancy occurs after ovulation, the life of the luteum extends and progesterone secretion continues to occur.

What is the Function of Menstrual Bleeding?

Different events occur in the menstrual cycle, the intrauterine layer of the brain and the ovaries. In this direction, hormones secreted in the brain stimulate one of the ovaries and fertilization begins. In addition, this situation causes the egg ready to be fertilized to harden. The purpose of menstrual bleeding is to regenerate the intrauterine layer of pregnancy, which may occur in the person’s menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle begins in adolescence and continues until menopause is an extensive phenomenon. The menstrual cycle or cycle is the occurrence of different events in the woman’s body with the period from the first day of the last menstrual date to the first day of the menstrual date.

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