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How Lung Disease Is Treated?

How Lung Disease Is Treated?

Lungs make up a person’s lower respiratory tract. Various diseases are seen in the lower respiratory tract for some reasons. In other words, the treatment of lung disease varies according to the type of the disease.

The most common diseases affecting the lungs are pneumonia, tuberculosis, COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer. Since each of these diseases exhibit very different characteristics from each other, their treatments are also different.

How Are Lung Infections Treated?

Lung infections can be of bacterial, viral or fungal origin. It is more severe than upper respiratory tract infections. In some cases, patients may need to be hospitalized and treated and medications should be given intravenously.

Examples of lung infections are pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. These diseases are generally manifested by symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and fever. It is important to take these symptoms seriously and to seek medical advice immediately.

How Are Lung Chronic Diseases Treated?

Diseases such as chronic bronchitis, COPD, asthma and emphysema are examined under the heading of chronic diseases, since they last long and progress slowly. Since these diseases progress insidiously, they may go unnoticed at first.

COPD is the chronic lung disease most associated with smoking, and the first step in its treatment is quitting smoking. Apart from this, various treatments are applied to relieve the breathing of the patients. Although it is mostly caused by smoking, it can also be seen due to occupational excuse for smoke in the workplace or air pollution.

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What Can Be Done For Lung Health?

In order to protect the health of the lungs, the most important thing to do is not smoking and avoiding smoking environments. Air pollution, exposure to polluting fumes or passive smoking are also conditions that disrupt lung health.

How Lung Disease Is Treated?
How Lung Disease Is Treated?

Apart from this, since lung infections are transmitted by droplets, attention should be paid to personal hygiene measures. It is important to maintain personal distance in order to sneeze into the arm while coughing and sneezing, trying not to stay in crowded environments for a long time, ventilating indoor environments frequently, going out to the sun as much as possible during the day, and avoiding splashes when talking to people. The most important thing is to eat and exercise in a way that strengthens the immune system.

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