Diseases & ConditionsSexual Health

Varicocele Symptoms and Treatment

Varicocele Symptoms and Treatment. Varicocele is similar to the varicose veins in our legs. Varicoceles are a common cause of low sperm production and poor sperm quality, which can lead to infertility. However, not all varicoceles affect sperm production. If varicocele causes male infertility, then a surgical decision can be made. However, it should be taken into consideration that not every varicocele causes infertility, and that sperm values ​​may not improve in every patient after surgery. Here, we will talk about varicocele symptoms and treatment in the following text.

What is Varicocele?

Varicocele is the dilation of the vessels in the loose skin bag that holds your testicles (scrotum). These vessels are called pampiniform plexus. Varicocele is similar to a varicose on your leg. Varicoceles usually occur during puberty and are more common on the left side of the scrotum. The anatomy of the left and right sides of your scrotum is not the same. Varicocele can be found on both sides, but this is quite rare. Not all varicoceles affect sperm production.

Varicocele Grading

According to the clinical examination, varicocele is considered as three stages.

  • Grade 1: This is the case in which the varicocele is detected by hand if physicians use a Valsalva maneuver.
  • Grade 2: Varicocele is slightly visible to the eye. It is the situation where the vessels are not visible, but easy to felt with a Valsalva maneuver
  • Grade 3: It is the condition where the veins are visible.

Varicocele Risk Factors

There is not any significant risk factor for the development of a varicocele. However, according to some studies, being overweight may increase your risk.

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Varicocele Symptoms

  • Pain or swelling in and around the testicles
  • Different size testicles
  • Testicle lump
  • Fertility problems or infertility
  • Swelling of the vessels
  • Having experienced a similar problem before

Varicocele Treatment

Not all varicoceles need to be treated. If there are other reasons that affect sperm count, these causes should be detected and treated first. Many men who have this problem can have children without any treatment. However, you may need treatment for varicocele; if you have pain, swelling of your testicles, or if you have problems not having children. There is no medicine to treat or prevent varicocele. Which degree of varicocele requires surgery? It is not the right approach to make a surgical decision based on the degree of varicocele. In some cases, even 1-degree varicocele can be operated, in some cases, 3-degree varicocele surgery may not be decided. The decision of surgery depends on the patient.  Varicocele surgery is performed by microsurgical method. The testicular vessels are reached by entering through a two cm incision in the groin area. Under the microscope, enlarged veins are separated from other vessels and connected. The duration may vary between 1-2.5 hours depending on whether the surgery is unilateral or bilateral and the number of vessels attached.

Which patients should undergo surgical treatment?

  • Men with varicocele where the female partner is normal or recoverable in couples who do not have children
  • Patients with abnormal findings in a sperm test in a man
  • Patients who had previously had children but now cannot have a baby again and diagnosed as varicocele
  • Single patients with high-grade (second or third grade) varicocele
  • Patients who suffer too much due to the pain which cannot be treated with other treatment methods
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