Diseases & Conditions

ADHD in Children (Symptoms)

What is ADHD? What are the symptoms of ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children is a complex neurological disorder that can affect your child’s success and relationships. The symptoms of ADHD vary, and it is sometimes difficult to recognize. It is normal for most children to show a few signs of attention deficit. Therefore, a doctor should examine your child to diagnose attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. ADHD usually is diagnosed in childhood, and the average age at diagnosis is seven years.

What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder are defined as a psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive mobility, inability to delay gratification, and attention problems that are not appropriate for the age and development level of the individual. Although we generally think kids overly mobile when talking about attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, this is not always the case. While sometimes only distraction or hyperactivity can occur, attention deficit and hyperactivity can be seen together. To be diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, symptoms must be started before the age of seven years, be seen in more than one environment, be continuous, and should be of a size that will negatively affect the daily life of the person.

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Symptoms of ADHD in Children

ADHD is a treatable disease. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you should review all treatment options. You should then consult a doctor or psychologist to determine the best treatment method for your kid. Let’s look at the symptoms of ADHD in children.

  • Self-oriented Behavior:

One of the most common symptoms of attention deficit is insufficient understanding of other people’s needs and desires. It can lead to two consequences: interrupting people’s speech and actions or having trouble waiting in line.

  • Interrupting Others

Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder can interrupt others’speeches or intervene games they are in.

  • Do not Wait in Line

Children with ADHD may have difficulty waiting in line during class activities or playing games with other children.

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  • Difficulty in Controlling Emotions

Children with ADHD may have difficulty controlling their emotions. Anger bursts may occur at inappropriate times. Younger children may have anger attacks.

  • Inability to Stop

Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder usually cannot sit. When they are forced to sit up, they can try to stand up, run around, and turn around. Also, hyperactivity can make it difficult for children to play quietly or to sit quietly in their spare time.

  • Lack of Concentration

Children with ADHD may have concentrating problems, even if they are directly spoken to. They will say they have heard you, but they cannot repeat what you say.

 ADHD Symptoms
  • Avoiding Tasks Require Mental Efforts

Lack of concentration can also cause avoiding activities, that require constant mental effort in school or home such as doing homework which children need to pay attention to.

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  • Inability to Control Instructions

Children with ADHD may have difficulty following instructions that require planning or executing a plan. It can lead to careless errors but does not mean laziness or lack of intelligence.

  • Dreaming

Children with ADHD are not always naughty and noisy. Another sign of it is to be quieter and to communicate less than other children. A child with ADHD can dive into the world of imagination and ignore what is happening around them.

  • Difficult to Organize

A child with ADHD may have problems following up on tasks and activities. This situation can cause problems in school life as the child cannot determine the order of importance among homework, school projects, and other assignments.

  • Forgetfulness

Children with ADHD can be forgetful in their daily activities. They may forget to do housework or do their homework. They could lose their toys and things.

  • Experience Same Symptoms in Different Areas

A child with ADHD experience symptoms in more than one place. For example, the child shows a lack of focus both at school and at home.

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