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Do you want to lose weight?

Do you want to lose weight?

Slimming and losing excess weight is an important problem for many people today. Obesity increases the incidence of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, joint disorders and calcification and cancer. In addition, weight gain after diagnosis in breast cancer also increases the risk of recurrence of breast cancer.

It is necessary to make fundamental changes in our life to lose weight. The most important problem in making these changes is to suppress appetite, accelerate metabolism and increase fat burning. To do this, using natural products instead of harmful drugs is more beneficial for health.

Increasing metabolism is very important in slimming. The speed of metabolism is related to gender, genetics and age. Men burn more calories at rest than women. As the age progresses, the metabolism slows down and the slowdown becomes evident especially over the age of 40. People cannot change gender, age and genetics, but they can change their lifestyle.

It is very important for people to exercise to increase their muscle mass. Because muscle mass burns more calories during rest than fat mass. For example, a kilogram of muscle mass burns 12 calories a day, while a kilogram of fat burns 4 calories. For this reason, muscle mass and therefore metabolic rate are increased with exercise against resistance.

Aerobic exercises may not improve your muscle mass much, but after it is done, your metabolism significantly increases. High-intensity exercise provides a longer-term increase in metabolic rate during resting than moderate-low intensity exercise. For this reason, short runs should be done during walking.

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Water is the best aid in burning calories. Studies have shown that people who drink more than 8 glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who drink 4 glasses of water. In addition, by consuming fresh vegetables and fruits, their liquid contents are taken.

Ice drinks burn more calories during digestion. Studies suggest that drinking 5-6 glasses of ice water burns an extra 10 calories per day. Although it seems like 10 calories is less, it provides a loss of half a kilogram per year without dieting.

Consuming frequent and small meals every 3-4 hours a day is beneficial in terms of accelerating metabolism. It has been shown that especially those who eat low-calorie snacks eat less food and thus maintain their weight better.

Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to lose weight?

More protein consumption speeds up the metabolism. Because our body spends 2 times more calories than carbohydrates while digesting protein. Therefore, foods rich in lean protein should be preferred at meals. Lean beef, fish, chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and dietary dairy products are foods rich in protein.

Destructive diet (less than 1000 calories per day) should not be done. With this type of diet, rapid weight is lost, but muscle mass is also damaged, the body decreases the metabolic rate as a defense. The vast majority of those on this type of diet take more in a short time than they give.

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