Healthy Lifestyle

Why should we apply sunscreen? How to Choose a Skin Care Cream? How Many Factors Should Be? 

Why should we apply sunscreen? How to Choose a Skin Care Cream? How Many Factors Should Be? How to choose a sunscreen suitable for the skin? Why should we use sunscreen? How many factors should a sunscreen be? How to choose a sunscreen? Is Sunscreen harmful? Is Sunscreen chemical? What are the sunscreen benefits? Are there any damages? Does it prevent tanning?

With the introduction of the summer, holiday plans were made. Those who could not go on vacation had to struggle with desert heat in their city. It will prevent the sun’s rays from damaging the skin How much higher? Why do experts say you should use sunscreen without saying summer and winter?

Why should we apply sunscreen?

Although the sun is vitamin D, harmful rays harm the skin. That’s why you should apply sunscreen to your face, especially in the summer. However, many people do not use sunscreen because it prevents false appearance and tanning.

Sun rays cause various damages to the skin. The spots on your face, skin redness, various skin diseases and signs of aging are caused by direct sunlight on your skin. Therefore, you should have a sunscreen that fits your life with your skin type.

You should use sunscreen not only in summer but also in winter. Even if you can’t see the ultraviolet rays of the sun, it affects your skin in the winter. Therefore, you are warned to put sunscreen on your face without saying summer and winter.

You should not stop using sunscreen after tanning. Because the skin does not exercise at all. Sun rays affect your skin in every way and damage your skin, causing you to lean early.

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The most reliable method to choose sunscreen for your skin is to seek help from a dermatologist. If you are fair skinned, you should choose higher factor protective creams. If you have dry skin, you should choose moisturizing sunscreens with a more fluid texture. If you have oily skin, you should opt for the firmer sunscreen.

What should be considered while buying sunscreen? How should we use it?

There is a system in our body that protects the lower skin. This also protects the tissues under the skin and your vital organs. For example liver, kidneys and other organs.

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If the sunscreen you put on your skin tends to go under the skin, many of them are already passing. Leaking from the skin, the cream begins to descend to the level of tissue. Then, it is absorbed into the blood vessels and infiltrates vital organs, and vital organs under the skin are exposed to these chemicals that turn into a solar effect. And chemicals in the sun cream that turn into harmful toxins change these vital organs.

When organs are damaged, it causes many problems. All dermotology associations recommend using sunscreen. But let’s choose the right sunscreen to apply to our skin. When you use the right cream, you protect your skin. There are chemicals absorbed by our skin, for example benzophennelel is a substance frequently found in sunscreens. In fact, this is carcinogenic and is known for causing cancer in animals. This does not mean that it causes cancer in humans.

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Previously, we knew that people used sunscreen from white cream that they put on their bodies. But then the cosmetic industry replaced this white cream with base creams and these changes are very harmful for our health. If the sunscreen is white, this is the right choice. Let’s explain to you the white sun cream recommended by the doctors.

If the sunscreen you put on your skin disappears immediately, this is a wrong choice. Because the chemical sunscreen is absorbed by the skin immediately and becomes active there. White sunscreen is not absorbed by the skin and therefore does not get into the bloodstream. Therefore, it stays on the surface of the skin and creates a cosmetically undesirable appearance.

When should we apply sunscreen?

Most of us do not know the answer to this question, but it is a very important detail. The sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going out. The base is in the form of chemical sunscreens. White sunscreens are physical creams and this is the right cream.


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