Diseases & ConditionsHealthy Lifestyle

What Should Be Considered In The Struggle With Obesity?

Fat is essential for body structure. 15-18% of the male body and 20-25% of the female body consists of fat. If these standard rates exceed 25% in men and 30% in women, obesity occurs.

Obesity is often confused with obesity, but they are actually different situations. It cannot be said that every fat person is obese. But every obese is also fat. As a result of the simple tests to be performed by the experts, it is easily understood whether you are obese. Body mass index is one of these applications and is the most important one. The standard units of this index are as follows.

  • Weak if BMI is below 18.50
  • Normal if BMI is between 18.50 – 24.99
  • Overweight if the BMI is between 25 and 30
  • If your BMI is between 30 and 40, you are overweight
  • If the BMI is above 40, there is a life-threatening obese condition and this is called morbid obese.

In the following topic, we touched on how to calculate the obesity test, that is, the body mass index.

What is the Cause of Vital Risk?

Obesity, which makes daily life quality and comfort extremely difficult, also opens the door to many health problems. The first two of these problems are heart diseases and diabetes. In addition, kidney failure, paralysis and depression problems are the leading causes of obesity.

What Should Be Considered?

  • It is necessary to avoid ready-made food products. Especially children should be prevented from eating such products and the damages of these products should be explained in childhood. The right nutritional habits should be gained to children.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to water consumption and 2 – 3 liters of water should be drunk during the day.
  • Sometimes, the person may not be thirsty for hours, so drinking water should become a habit. The amount of water to be drunk daily should be completed by drinking water at regular intervals. Drinking a glass of water before eating should be a habit. Thus, less food will be eaten.
  • Diversity should be created while feeding. Meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, legumes and cereal products should be consumed in equal proportions and one type of diet should definitely be avoided. Fruit should be consumed, dairy products should be consumed and especially plenty of yoghurt should be consumed. In addition to these, pickles must also be eaten.
  • Meals should never be skipped. It is necessary to eat morning, lunch and dinner at the right times and never eat after 8 pm and especially before going to bed.
  • It is necessary to avoid excessively fatty and salty foods. Carbohydrate-containing foods should not be eaten more than necessary.
  • It should be a habit to have bread made of whole wheat flour on the tables. White bread should be abandoned.
  • During the day, brisk walks and exercises should be done, not exceeding 30 minutes. However, this period should not exceed 30 minutes and excessive body movements should not be performed.
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As stated in the introduction of our article, the body should not be oiled above the level of need, that is, excess fat should not be accumulated. The way to do this is that products that will cause fat accumulation are not consumed more than necessary. Obese, which is one of the diseases brought by the modern age, has reached much higher levels especially in the last 30 years and obese societies have started to form.

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