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What is Gastritis? What are the Symptoms?

What is Gastritis? What are the Symptoms? Gastritis can occur suddenly or over time. For some reasons, gastritis can increase the risk of problems such as ulcers and stomach cancer. Well, what is gastritis? How are the symptoms and treatment of gastritis done?

Gastritis can occur suddenly or over time. For some reasons, gastritis can increase the risk of problems such as ulcers and stomach cancer. Well, what is gastritis? How are the symptoms and treatment of gastritis done?


Brief description of gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis inflammation is often the result of infection with helicobacter pylori bacteria, which causes stomach ulcers. Gastritis occurs with inflammation as a result of the erosion of the stomach lining due to the secretion of more gastric acid. A type of gastrointestinal bacterial infection can also lead to gastritis. The most common bacterial infection that causes this result is helicobacter pylori. It is a type of bacteria that causes the stmach lining to become infected. Infection usually passes from person to person. It can also be transmitted through contaminated food or waterways. Your risk of getting gastritis increases as a result of some conditions and reasons.

What is Gastritis? What are the Symptoms?
What is Gastritis? What are the Symptoms?

Risk Factors Are

  • Situations such as consuming too much alcohol
  • Continuous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin
  • Drug addiction
  • Age due to examination of the stomach lining by age
  • Use of tobacco and tobacco products
  • Stress from a serious injury, illness, or surgery
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Digestive disorders similar to Crohn’s disease
  • Getting viral infections
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Gastritis Symptoms

  • Feeling discomfort and burning in the stomach area
  • Feeling sick in the stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Often feeling full after meals
  • Experiencing indigestion
  • Persistent pain felt between the navel and lower rib areas
  • Bloody vomiting caused by excessive erosion of the stomach lining in advanced gastritis

Gastritis Treatment

Treatment for gastritis depends on the cause of the condition. If you have gastritis caused by NSAIDs or other drugs, avoiding the use of these drugs is enough to relieve your symptoms. Gastritis, one of the consequences of H. pyoliri, is constantly treated using antibiotics that kill bacteria.


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