
Does Benign Brain Tumor Grow, What Are the Symptoms?

Many people are afraid of a brain tumor, but it should not be forgotten that there is such a thing as a benign brain tumor. These tumors are tumors that grow and multiply uncontrollably in the brain. Thanks to the devices, almost all benign brain tumors can be easily recognized. It is explained by experts that tumors of these types usually do not grow rapidly and do not spread to other tissues or organs. In this way, it is easier to distinguish benign brain tumors from malignant tumors.

While it is known that many benign brain tumors are removed by surgical operations, they do not usually show a tendency to recur. Although there is no clear opinion about the cause of benign brain tumors on the subject, studies on the subject suggest that genetic factors are determinative in people who are exposed to chemicals and radiation for a long time.

Benign tumors are not like cancerous tumors and can cause health problems from time to time. As a result, when benign brain tumors compress other structures in the brain and suppress cells there, it can cause vision and hearing loss, persistent headaches, loss of smell, nausea in the stomach, changes in the way the mind works, and seizures.

Although the symptoms of benign brain tumors vary from person to person, there are some basic symptoms as well. The most prominent among these symptoms is described as persistent and severe headaches. Although these symptoms vary according to the region of the brain where the tumor is located, they can be listed as feeling weak in the arms or legs, nausea in the stomach, sudden seizures, smell, numbness, speech disorders that occur from time to time, hearing loss and vision loss.

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