Healthy Lifestyle

How to disinfect and clean a toothbrush? Toothbrush disinfection methods

How to disinfect and clean a toothbrush? Toothbrush disinfection methods

It is known by everyone that teeth should be brushed twice a day for two minutes for oral and dental health. However, the toothbrushes used should be cleaned with the same sensitivity. Oral and dental cleaning cannot be done properly with an unhygienic toothbrush. On the other hand, people who care about oral and dental health wonder how toothbrushes can be cleaned.

How to Clean a Toothbrush?

Several different methods can be used to clean toothbrushes. These methods are listed in the section below. You can clean your toothbrushes by choosing the easiest method.

Dip the Toothbrush in the mouthwash

Gargles are sold in many grocery stores. You can take one of these and soak the toothbrushes for a few minutes.

Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide

In addition to antibacterial mouthwash or mouthwash, toothbrushes can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, i.e. oxygenated water. Oxygenated water is very effective in removing bacteria from toothbrushes. In fact, according to a study, oxygenated water is more economical and functional than other cleaners. During its use, it is necessary to change the oxygenated water every day.

Clean with Denture Cleaning Tablet

Toothbrushes can be cleaned with the half denture cleaning tablet. It will be in vain for how many minutes the toothbrush stays in this water by taking half a tablet of water.

Clean it with Vinegar and Baking Soda

As for the natural cleaning products, vinegar and baking soda, which are known to have cleaning properties in daily life, can also be used here. After adding two tablespoons of white vinegar and half a spoonful of baking soda to half a glass of water, it is mixed to obtain a cleaning fluid. This mixture will sterilize toothbrushes for 20-30 minutes in summer.

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Use UV Toothbrush Sanitizer

Thanks to technological products, toothbrushes can be cleaned. UV toothbrush disinfectants, ranging from 50 TL to 150 TL according to their brands, clean bacteria with ultraviolet books.

Cleaning with Boiling Water

It is the cheapest method and does not require extra difficulty. In this method, the brush should be rinsed with hot water without brushing. It is important that this water boils.

Cleaning with toothpicks

In this method, paste residues under the bristles are cleaned, not bacteria on the toothbrush. It is possible to remove these residues with a toothpick. This cleanse looks brushed and hardened for a long time.

Also Clean Electric Toothbrushes

A scrap brushing wash that’s more expensive than regular toothbrushes today. Cleaning with such brushed teeth is also possible.

Should toothbrushes be scalded?

While the toothbrush is being washed, some people throw the brushed brushes into boiling water. We should point out that such a behavior is not correct. Since toothbrushes are made of plastic, boiling water can cause the plastic to melt. In the process of cleaning with boiling water, the brushes remain in the water for 30 seconds.

How to Store Toothbrushes?

There are some things to consider when preserving toothbrushes. The first is that brushes should not be stored too close to each other. Bacteria can spread between toothbrushes that are very close to each other. Another important issue is that toothbrushes are not stored in the toilet. While there is no great harm in storing them in regularly cleaned toilets, brushes should not be left in wet and damp places. In this context, it is better to be stored outside the toilet.

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When to Replace a Toothbrush?

Toothbrushes have a certain life span just like any other material. Toothbrushes should be changed at least every 3-4 months. On the other hand, if there is visible wear on toothbrushes and hardening of the bristles, it can be changed at an earlier time. Especially if the toothbrush is used by someone else, these brushes should be replaced.

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