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Shortness of breath and palpitations are experienced in iron deficiency

Shortness of breath and palpitations are experienced in iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is one of the most common ailments in the world. Weakness, fatigue and pallor are the first signs of iron deficiency. Chills, palpitations, shortness of breath, and difficulty in concentration are common complaints in advanced cases.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common ailments in the world. It can occur in the course of many diseases, as well as due to physiological reasons. The main physiological reasons are menstruation and pregnancy in women and the development period in children. The end result of iron deficiency, whether due to physiological or pathological reasons, is anemia.

Anemia means that the hemoglobin level in the blood falls below 12 percent g / dl in women and 14 percent g / dl in men. Its counterpart in the folk language is “anemia”. Hemoglobin is the name given to the protein that is combined with iron in our red blood cells. The job of hemoglobin is to carry the oxygen it receives from the lungs to all the cells of the body. When iron is depleted, the hemoglobin value in the blood drops, and oxygen transfer is interrupted under these conditions. Weakness, fatigue and pallor are the first signs of iron deficiency. Chills, palpitations, chest pain, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating are common complaints in advanced cases. Chronic iron deficiency causes cracking in the corners of the lips, reddening of the tongue, softening of the nails, breakage and longitudinal lines. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to resistant heart failure.

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Gastrointestinal cancers, benign gastric tumors, duodenal ulcers, intestinal diverticula cause hidden bleeding and cause iron deficiency anemia. Aspirin and rheumatism drugs cause iron deficiency by causing hidden or open bleeding. Intestinal parasites are the main cause of iron deficiency in children and the elderly.

Shortness of breath and palpitations are experienced in iron deficiency
Shortness of breath and palpitations are experienced in iron deficiency


Iron deficiency anemia and chronic disease anemia are very similar. RDW is checked to distinguish the two. RDW means red sphere distribution width. The first abnormal finding in iron deficiency anemia is increased RDW. If RDW is high, the diagnosis is iron deficiency. Anemia is not a disease, it is iron deficiency anemia as fever, cough and diarrhea are symptoms. Iron therapy is not initiated without producing a satisfactory answer to the question “why is iron deficient”.


Iron is most commonly found in meat and meat products, followed by fish and eggs. Other sources of iron are bran, rye, and vegetables. Iron deficiency anemia is common in vegetarian diets.


The treatment of iron deficiency anemia is done with drugs taken orally or in injection form. Oral iron components should be taken on an empty stomach and should not be used with milk and dairy products. Iron preparations are absorbed more strongly from the intestines if used together with vitamin C.

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