Healthy Lifestyle

What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis Symptoms and Ways of Prevention

Inflammation of the facial sinuses, manifested by sinusitis, severe headache, fever, nasal congestion and runny nose for short. means. Among the people, the part above the eyebrows causes severe headache with fever. In addition to these short explanations, how do we know that we have sinusitis? I would like to talk about the symptoms that will answer the question. Many of us are hesitant to say “I wonder if I have sinusitis”. Now let’s make a list of symptoms that will dispel this hesitation.

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

We can avoid confusion by mentioning the most common known symptoms. In this regard, some substances may confuse you with other diseases. Unfortunately, some doctors actually confuse the patient more by giving too much detail.

  • A throbbing headache around the eyes and face
  • nasal congestion,
  • Yellow-green discharge from the nose and nasal passages,
  • Throat ache,
  • Bad breath, smell and taste disorders
  • slight fever
  • Fatigue and difficulty in adaptation,
  • In addition to these, children may have complaints of loss of appetite, cough, nausea and vomiting.
  • Ways to Prevent Sinusitis
  • In detail, I will share with you the ways of protection in substance.

Quit smoking or stay away from smoking environments

One of the enemies of sinusitis is smoking. Even smoking environments can put you in serious trouble. The nose, which is the resistance point of carcinogenic substances and various viruses contained in cigarettes, cannot fully fulfill its task in those with sinusitis problems. As a result of this, it is much easier to catch diseases with both severe headaches and a much weaker metabolism in the following periods.

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Pay attention to air conditioners and devices that reduce the humidity in the environment
Devices such as air conditioners and electric heaters dry the environment. You, on the other hand, need humid environments for sinusitis. Staying in an environment with air-conditioning and electric heaters for a long time will return you as a headache. By staying away from dry environments, you can ensure that the sinusitis problem does not grow.

Prefer airy environments

We can offer this item in addition to the item above. For example, if you work indoors, try to ventilate the room as much as possible. Airless environments will cause you great distress. Therefore, sinusitis problems are more common in winter months. Even though we are in the winter, if we have a sinusitis problem, we have to ventilate the room.

Consume plenty of seasonal fruits and water

Your biggest medicine will be drinking plenty of water. Especially if you consume plenty of hormone-free and seasonal fruits, you will reduce sinusitis problems. Your body should not stay dry and should be constantly supplemented with these nutrients. Water and fruits will strengthen your immunity.

Watch out for windy weather

Being in the wind increases the risk of sinusitis as it will weaken the dryness and immune system. In fact, you will see that those who work outside in heavy winds experience this discomfort much more often. If we have sinusitis, we have to take our precautions in windy environments. If you are going to be in the wind for a long time, make sure you have water with you.

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Keep nose moist in cold winter

There are special humidifiers for the winter months. You especially need to keep your nose moist. Our nose protects us against sinusitis in the weather we call “dry cold” among the people. For this, we can prevent sinusitis with special humidifiers.

Be careful with clothing indoors

Another important point to take care of in order to protect yourself from sinusitis is that you do not feel cold when you are sweaty and that you should thin your clothes when you are indoors. Because sudden changes in temperature become a predisposing factor for infections. Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Prof. Dr. Yusufhan Süoğlu stated that sudden changes in ambient temperature of 6 degrees increase the risk of developing upper respiratory tract infections, which can lead to the development of sinusitis, and says, “Microorganisms break the mucous barrier very easily with this sudden temperature change and facilitate the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body.”

Special precautions in houses using natural gas and heating

Natural gas and heater cores dry the air very quickly. Wet towels can be placed on the combs to balance the humidity in the environment. Thus, we are not exposed to dry air, you can keep the humidity of the room in balance and prevent the problem of sinusitis.

Natural Treatment Methods of Sinusitis

Vicks therapy for sinusitis; Vicks is a very effective method for relieving sinusitis pain and opening the nose. If you steam hot water with Vicks, you can help open your nasal passages.

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Salt water therapy for sinusitis; Salt water is the most effective method for opening a blocked nose and relieving sinusitis pain. Mix a pinch of salt into half a tea glass of water and spray it into the nose. Opening the upper respiratory tract is a very effective method for relieving nasal congestion and opening the nose.

Hot towel therapy for sinusitis; Take a hot towel and hold it to your nose area to help relieve your headaches.

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