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How is the 18 month baby development? What does an 18 month old baby do?

How is the 18 month baby development? What does an 18 month old baby do?

An 18-month-old baby often practices speaking by making a variety of sounds. His development towards speaking skill is getting faster and faster. May have a vocabulary of around 20 words. Some babies can easily form two-word sentences when they are 18 months old. For babies to talk, you should provide them with an interactive environment where they will not remain passive. Another name for it is a “screen-free” daily life. Since TV and videos make a one-sided transmission, they do not provide a real communication environment. This causes children to remain passive and to be exposed to many images and sounds that tire their minds too much. You should keep him away from the screen to improve his speaking skill.

Your 18-month-old baby, who is starting to progress towards the age of 2, can wash their hands with your help. He can throw the ball using his hands, and now he does it deftly. Stories and books appropriate for his age begin to interest him. 18. From the end of the month, can make two-piece puzzles. Can climb chairs. With help, they can climb the steps one by one. He can drink water from a glass. It can match related objects. Can use objects as tools.

He can play a role-playing game. For example, he can pretend to drink from a glass or talk on the phone using a toy. 18-month-old babies usually play side by side, not against each other, with their peers. This is called a “parallel game”. It is still too early to learn to share their toys. Instead of forcing him to share, you can gently guide him. You have to be patient until she is almost 4 years old for her to learn to share. So, how to teach children to share in the coming months?

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Your baby has developed strong bonds with the people he loves. He is also self-aware and needs autonomy as well. Complaints such as “my baby does not want to eat”, “does not want to get dressed” are often heard from parents or caregivers. In short, the 18-month-old baby learned the power of words such as “No” and “Mine” and started to show stubborn behaviors.

How is the 18 month baby development? What does an 18 month old baby do?
How is the 18 month baby development? What does an 18 month old baby do?

18 month old baby feeding

An 18-month-old baby who wants to assert her autonomy may be stubborn when it’s time to eat. Even if the sitting time is short, it is best to continue to keep meals regular. The baby can eat less one day and more the next. While the baby decides the amount to eat, you can ensure that he gets the nutrients he needs even if he eats small amounts of foods with high nutritional value. Babies who are still receiving breast milk or formula may not show the expected interest in table food during these months. For this reason, making an arrangement and providing the baby with an eating order at the family table paves the way for him to develop eating habits in the future. It should have passed from pureed foods to table food. Of course, foods that are too salty, sugary and not suitable for child nutrition should not be offered. It is important to offer regular meals based on breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Babies who are 18 months old can be fed as 3 main meals and 3 snacks. The 18-month-old baby is now slowly starting to learn to use spoons and forks. Encourage self-feeding by using a spoon, even if she sheds

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18 month old baby sleep

When babies are 18 months old, they are expected to sleep uninterrupted at night and have regular sleep times. Of course, extraordinary situations can disrupt the sleep pattern of your 18-month-old baby, as in every child. However, if your baby still wakes up at night for various reasons, you don’t need to wait to address the underlying problems. The foundations of sleep problems that can be seen in the following months can be laid in these months. According to the attachment theory, the attachment problem between the mother and the baby at this age may affect the sleep quality of the baby and the child.

Developmental characteristics such as 18-month-old baby height, weight and head circumference

Babies are followed up month by month until they are 12 months old. One of the most important reasons for this is that babies show a very rapid monthly development until they are 1 year old. After the age of 1, growth characteristics such as height and weight follow a slower course. Whether the baby is within certain values ​​in that developmental period is followed according to some growth standards. These standards are shown on percentile values ​​shown with tables and curves. For children in our country, certain percentile values ​​were calculated for body weight, height, and head circumference. These are used for tracking as mean values.

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