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Echinacea, sage and honey against Sore Sore

Echinacea, sage and honey against Sore Sore

With the cooling of the weather, pharyngitis and sore throat complaints started to be seen frequently. Although sore throat is not a serious problem with its disturbing effect, it affects life negatively. There are practical suggestions on what can be done to reduce complaints and speed recovery in sore throat.

Does feeding help reduce sore throat?

Drink plenty of warm water (10-12 glasses a day), and prevent fluid loss in the body. Keeping the throat moist reduces the pain and speeds up the healing of the irritated area. Drinking hot water with honey and hot tea is good for sore throat.

Putting a teaspoon (5 grams) of salt in a glass of warm water and gargling and spitting will relieve the throat. It should be done 3 times a day. With this simple method, the burning sensation is relieved within minutes. Warm water soothes the inflamed throat, salt has anti-bacterial qualities.

Using throat lozenges 3-4 times a day is relaxing. It is not recommended for children under the age of 4 as they may get the lozenge up the windpipe

Honey cures nighttime coughs due to throat infections in children better than medicines, and warm milk with honey should be drunk at night. Echinacea tea and sage are antimicrobial drinks that relieve throat.

Vitamin C and zinc help strengthen the immune system. The main foods rich in vitamin C are sweet yellow pepper, sweet red or green pepper, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, dark green leafy vegetables, kiwi, strawberry, orange, lemon, tomato, beans and papaya. It should be prepared from the juice of these vegetables or fruits and drink one glass a day.

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Zinc is also found in foods such as seafood, steak, wheat germ, spinach, pumpkin, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, chicken, beans and mushrooms.

Echinacea, sage and honey against Sore Sore
Echinacea, sage and honey against Sore Sore

Are there lifestyle changes that can help?

It is ensured that the body is rested by resting, and it is better to fight the factor that causes sore throat.

Humidifying the environment with the mist device prevents the throat irritation due to air dryness. Sore throat can be aggravated, especially at night, as the throat gets dry, so it is useful to moisten the environment with the device while lying down.

Throat irritants such as smoking and surface cleaning products should be avoided.

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