Diseases & Conditions

How to Avoid Getting the Flu

How to Avoid Getting the Flu. In all seasons, our body is getting a little harder when keeping up with this change and it is becoming more open to diseases. First, we can start by learning exactly what the flu is. In short, the influenza is a form of upper respiratory tract disease that occurs in the human body due to the influenza virus. Antibiotics do not affect as a result of viruses, and it also spreads easily and makes outbreaks. Therefore, it is more possible to get the flu during outbreak periods. Flu can be dangerous especially in children and older adults with chronic diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes and it is much more severe for this group and leads to serious consequences that can reach to death. In this article, we will explain the best ways to prevent the flu below.

How to Prevent the Flu

In fact, without using any medication, the disease in a normal individual loses its effect in a maximum of one week and the person will recover.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap. Hand wash is as effective as the influenza vaccine.
  • Be careful not to kiss or shake hands with people suffering from flu or cold.
  • Keep clean items such as keyboards, mobile phones, etc. that we use in our daily life.
  • Hold the door or public transport handles with a paper tissue, if possible.
  • Wear clothes according to the weather.
  • Consume plenty of juicy foods; fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid crowded places.
  • People need to use a napkin when coughing or sneezing in order to protect their health and not to infect others.
  • Used napkins should not be used again.
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Flu which brings with complaints; fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, headache, malaise, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, etc. The person touching the surface of the virus touched by the sick person before is also easily transmitted by taking his hands to the mouth, eye, and nose, and therefore the first and most important way to prevent the disease is to wash the hands frequently.

Annual Influenza Vaccines

Influenza vaccines are also known as flu shots and flu jabs, and they protect people from getting flu. This vaccine actually is essential for people working in healthcare, pregnant women and older adults (over 65). In this way, the rate of getting flu is reduced by 70% and the person becomes more resistant.

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