
Four Months Pregnant

Four Months Pregnant. Pregnancy is a nine-month period changing your routine. If you’re in your fourth month of pregnancy, it means you’ll spend more time looking at your body in the mirror, because changes in your body will be more obvious from now on. The fourth month of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. This period is essential for you and your baby’s health, so you should pay more attention to some points to have a healthy pregnancy. This text will explain some facts and tips for those who are at for months pregnant.

Four Months Pregnant and Baby Development

  • Pregnant women may easily feel exhausted and nervous. Some women notice reddish lines in their feet, in the varicose veins, and it can be seen in the breasts, also. These are associated with hormonal changes in pregnancy. After birth, these reddish lines will disappear completely. In this situation, you may prefer to wear comfortable socks and maternity underwear
  • A brown line may form near the bikini line, which will disappear after birth
  • You may have white discharge
  • You may need to cope with the swollen and bleeding gums.
  • Possibility of hemorrhoids may increase due to increased blood circulation in this period.
  • The complaint of nasal bleeding during pregnancy can be seen in the 4th month.

What Should I Do?

  • You should put your tight clothing in the closet from the fourth month. You should buy some comfortable clothes for the rest of the pregnancy. Bleeding is rarely seen in the 4th month of pregnancy.
  • You should stop wearing make-up because, during this period, your skin will become vulnerable due to hormonal changes.
  • If your family has a genetic problem with varicose, you should consult your doctor, because this period may increase.
  • You can choose to lie on the left side with a pillow between the leg. This position helps to provide blood circulation to the placenta and improves the function of the kidneys.
  • Since fresh fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, they should be consumed frequently throughout the pregnancy. The fourth month of pregnancy may trigger heartburn. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be good for your stomach.
  • From the fourth month of pregnancy, more iron is needed for the growth of the fetus. In addition, your body should make 3-6 extra liters of blood for your pregnancy. An iron-rich diet will help the baby grow in this process. You should add nuts, eggs, dried fruit to your diet. Also, you need to consult your doctor before beginning any iron supplements.
RELATED  What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

Sexual Intercourse in the Fourth Month

If there is no disease or risk for baby, sexual intercourse in the fourth month of pregnancy can continue as in previous months. If there is something wrong in your pregnancy as a result of sexual intercourse, your doctor will definitely inform you about it. Sexual intercourse does not cause a miscarriage or premature birth in the fourth month of pregnancy. In this period, mood swings can only decrease your sexual desire.


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