Healthy Lifestyle

What are the Causes of Thinning Hair?

Hair shedding between 50 and 100 hairs per day is considered normal, but if a significant thinning is observed over time, it is recommended by experts to pay attention to this issue. Skipping meals is one of the most important factors that cause hair thinning, as it cannot provide sufficient calorie intake. Since the body cannot provide all the calories it needs, energy is diverted to basic functions such as the heart and brain, and the hair and scalp may remain in the background. In addition, diet can also have a bad effect on hormones and a disaster may be faced by not replacing the lost hair.

Excessive exposure to sunlight can also be among the causes of thinning hair. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can dry out the scalp, which can lead to hair loss. Especially thin hair and light-colored hair should be avoided too much exposure to sunlight.

Bunning hair, putting it in a very tight ponytail, or pulling it together can also be harmful. Tight braids will also cause thinning of the hair due to the application of a large and continuous tension to the hair follicles. The tight bun, which can even cause scarring, should not be applied all the time.

Not washing the hair often enough can also damage the hair follicles, making it difficult for hair to grow. Then the dirt will cause the hair to thin and the remaining hair to fall out. Cutting the hair at regular intervals will also prevent thinning and help a healthy growth process. Cutting the growing hair occasionally is very helpful as it removes the brittle dry and dead hair ends. However, it is necessary to avoid using hair styling tools too often. Because curlers, straighteners and hair dryers can cause great damage to the hair.

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