Healthy Lifestyle

What is Down Syndrome?

What is Down Syndrome?

It is a chromosome-related disease and a genetic error during cell division results in the formation of an extra chromosome in twenty-one chromosome pairs, resulting in Down syndrome. People with this disease, which negatively affects both physical and mental development, are reintegrated into society if they receive the right education. Now, down syndrome can be detected before birth thanks to the developing technology.

Thus, mothers and fathers can have the fetus with this disease removed by abortion operation if they want. The only factor known as the cause is the age of pregnancy. The probability of having a baby under the age of 30 is only one in a thousand babies, while the possibility of having a baby with Down syndrome in pregnant women over the age of forty-four is down syndrome in one out of 35 babies. This means that the later the delivery is made, the more problems the baby will have. Although this rating tells us that there is a problem in the babies of mothers who give birth late; This disease can also be encountered in babies of young mothers.

What Causes Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by the formation of a copy of one chromosome in addition to the twenty-one chromosome pairs. In humans, each cell has forty-six chromosomes, and individuals with Down syndrome have forty-seven chromosomes, and this is caused by forty-seven chromosomes.

What are the Characteristics of the Individuals Seen?

Individuals with Down syndrome generally develop more slowly in terms of height and weight; In addition, they perceive slower and have more difficulty during problem solving and decision making than other individuals. They have a lot of problems with perception, but there are many training centers that provide special education for individuals with Down syndrome, and the efforts of these institutions and the family show much more improvement in the perception ability of the individual with Down syndrome.

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In addition, thanks to special training such as physical therapy, special education, language therapy, which will be given to people with this disease, individuals can work in any job and earn their future by working on their own. The important thing in these patients will be to provide psychological support to the person and to create an employment area by training him about the jobs he can achieve.

Is It Treated?

Down syndrome is not a type of disease, and a condition that is not a disease cannot be cured. Just like blue eye or blond hair and so on. However, in case of Down syndrome, some diseases can also be seen. They have treatment possibilities.

What is Down Syndrome?
What is Down Syndrome?

What are the diseases likely to be seen with Down syndrome?

  • Heart diseases from birth
  • Thyroid diseases,
  • Increased leukemia disease,
  • Problems in the stomach and intestines,
  • Eye and ear diseases,
  • The presence of some disorders in the teeth and jaw structure,
  • Immune system deficiency,

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