Healthy Lifestyle

What causes back pain? What is good for back pain?

What causes back pain? What is good for back pain?

Back pain is one of the most common problems experienced by housewives, desk workers and those who work standing. It reduces the quality of life of the person and causes deformity. So what is good for back pain? For you, we have compiled everything you wonder about this common ailment that 80 percent of the society suffers from. Sitting causes pain even while lying down.

Disregarding the back pain often experienced by desk workers can cause serious discomfort in the future. Therefore, experts recommend that people see a doctor when the symptoms of this ailment appear. It manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, aches, burning, neck stiffness, severe pain in the waist and bone in the hips from the neck to the lower part. It causes back pain due to many conditions: fibromyalgia, back hernia, sedentary, osteoporosis, rheumatic disease, deformity, tumors and detenerative diseases.

Recently, it has been recorded as a symptom of coronavirus. It is usually seen between the ages of 20 and 50. It is seen in women compared to men. Severe back pain causes even sleep to be interrupted. In these cases, a specialist should be consulted. Experts emphasized that if not treated in time, it can turn into chronic pain. Physical therapy is often used for back pain.


  • – Sudden movement after prolonged inactivity
  • – Having muscle spasm due to the upper respiratory tract
  • – Carelessly lifting heavy loads
  • – Incorrect sitting
  • – Kidney infection
  • Using heavy bags
  • low back pain
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People suffering from chronic back and back pain should be seen by a specialist without resorting to natural ways.

What causes back pain? What is good for back pain?
What causes back pain? What is good for back pain?


Garlic removes inflammation in the body thanks to the anti-bacterial substances it contains. It repairs the sensitive surfaces of the muscles. You can benefit from this substance by swallowing a clove of garlic every morning on an empty stomach.


While taking a shower, put the epsom salt, which is rich in magnesium sulfate, in a bucket of hot water, and add the epsom salt to it. Then pour this water slowly down your neck. Or again, add eprom salt into hot water. Then dip a clean towel into this water and leave it on your sore area for 15 minutes.


Mix a tablespoon of honey into 2 tablespoons of turmeric, which is one of the foods that cleanses inflammation in the body and removes edema. Then add 3 tablespoons of warm milk and make a paste. Apply this paste to the painful area. After 10 minutes massage, wash off with warm water.


Chamomile tea is good for fatigue and exhaustion. By consuming chamomile tea in a bar a day, you will calm your body.

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