
Nine Months Pregnant

Nine Months Pregnant. Now, you are in the last month of pregnancy. Every action you take when you are nine months pregnant requires a special effort. Your abdomen has grown a lot, so it’s hard to find a comfortable position during sleep. Therefore, you can feel tired all the time. You are most likely to feel awkward and tired. By the 9th month of pregnancy, a long and exhausting process has been successfully completed, and the time that you will embrace the baby is coming soon. However, you will probably want to start answering your phone by saying “not yet”, because from this point on, people will want to know. You can begin to beat the fear of birth in this period. You have come to the end of this journey with good and bad, remember that you are very valuable and special. You probably miss everything you have experienced like mood-swings in this period. In this text, we will give some tips for pregnant women who should do in the last month of pregnancy.

Changes in women at Nine months of pregnancy

Changes in women at Nine months of pregnancy
Changes in women at Nine months of pregnancy
  • The baby’s head was moved to the pelvic region. This causes pressure in the bladder and frequent urination. It is very difficult to keep your urine during this period.
  • Since the time to delivery is less, it will reduce the pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. Therefore, the heartburn and shortness of breath problems you have experienced will decrease compared to the previous month.
  • You will have more vaginal discharge during this period, and it contains more mucus.
  • False (Braxton-Hicks) contradictions will become more frequent and sometimes you may feel as if the birth has begun. It is good to do breathing exercises during these contractions.
  • In spite of the discomfort caused by the tight belly, you will feel great during this time. Nevertheless, do not forget the bed rest and napping.
  • Your pupils may be dilated due to excess blood circulating in your body.
  • Breasts start to produce milk for breastfeeding, sometimes they leak from the nipples.
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You can look at the changes that you will experience in the previous months by clicking here.

What Should I Do?

  • In this period, instead of doing housework, prefer to rest. Ask your partner for help with housework. You can spend most of your time with your family and share the excitement and joy with the people around you.
  • You need to prepare for the period of delivery and breastfeeding and buy bras made specifically for the tissues of your breasts.
  • Although it may seem difficult, you should visit your doctor every week during the last month of pregnancy.
  • During this time a warm bath will relax your body; however, make sure the water is not too hot.
  • Continue performing Kegel exercises, even though birth is soon.
  • You can get a car seat for your baby and prepare a crib. You should make sure you have your hospital bag ready. This should include the materials you will need when you are in the hospital.
  • If you experience bleeding in the 9th month of pregnancy, contact your doctor as this can be dangerous.

Sexual Intercourse in the Ninth Week of Pregnancy

This is a question that has been discussed for a long time and will be best answered by your doctor. You can avoid having sexual intercourse during this period of pregnancy. However, sexual intercourse is good during pregnancy unless excessive pressure is applied to the uterus. Besides, it helps to maintain hormonal balance. In addition, sexual intercourse triggers the contractions required in the last two weeks. Consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure.

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