
What are the Signs of Pregnancy Before Your Period?

What are the Signs of Pregnancy Before Your Period? Before you take home pregnancy tests, you may be in doubt whether you are pregnant with some of the symptoms you will observe in your body. This text will explain the signs of pregnancy before your period in this text to answer your questions. Some pregnancy symptoms may also be confused with the symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, the following symptoms do not necessarily indicate that you are pregnant. Even if you have early pregnancy symptoms, you should first take a pregnancy test and if it is negative, you should consult with your doctor to see whether symptoms are a sign of a disease. You can find the symptoms of pregnancy before menstruation period with the following descriptions:

Implantation Bleeding and Cramping

If you have unprotected intercourse at the time of ovulation, you are likely to get pregnant. One or two weeks before the menstrual period, menstrual cramp, spotting, and bleeding may occur. However, not every woman has the same symptoms. If there is bleeding before the period, it may be one of the early signs of pregnancy. Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg places on the uterine wall. You may then experience symptoms such as spotting and cramping. There may be very light bleeding seen in your underwear. This may take several hours or several days. If the bleeding is too much, this may be a sign of a miscarriage or period. In this situation, consulting a doctor is the best option to learn what is going on.

Rising Basal Body Temperature:

Increased basal body temperature may be a symptom of the menstrual period or one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Breast Pain

Changes in the breast are one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.  After being pregnant, hormones have an effect on the breast which becomes more sensitive. Firstly, the blood vessels in the breasts expand and begin to grow; that is the reason why your breasts look bigger. One or two weeks after being pregnant, changes in breasts may be noticed. There may also be swelling and pain in breasts. We recommend that you take a pregnancy test if you have a late period and observe changes in your breasts.


Fatigue without reason may also be a symptom of pregnancy. You may feel tired and sleepy. Changing in progesterone hormone levels may make you more tired than usual in the early periods. In addition, blood production in your body increases to support fetal development. If you do not take a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, iron, and fluids, you may feel more exhausted.


Nausea or morning sickness is one of the classic signs of pregnancy occurring in the early stages of pregnancy. You may have nausea, dizziness, weakness, and vomiting during the week before your period. Approximately 75% of women experience nausea as a sign of early pregnancy.


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