
6 Warning Signs Of Leukemia

What causes leukemia? What is the first sign of leukemia? Leukemia develops as a result of the uncontrolled proliferation of the main cells in the bone marrow, disrupting the normal functions of all organs and tissues, especially in this region. The incidence of leukemia is increasing day by day. In the spread of the disease; malnutrition, air pollution, mobile phones, electromagnetic waves, and viral diseases play an active role. However, new methods of treatment increase patient comfort and a chance of recovery. Individual and social awareness is also essential in this regard. It is enough for healthy people to become stem cell donors and donate blood for stem cell transplantation. Here will explain the causes of leukemia and six warning symptoms of leukemia. 

Causes Of Leukemia

Although the exact cause of leukemia is unknown, scientists believe that viral, genetic, environmental or immunological factors may play a role. Some of these are those;

  • High radiation exposure
  • Exposure to industrial chemicals
  • Some of the chemotherapy drugs
  • Some genetic diseases (down syndrome, etc.)
  • Viruses

However, these risk factors explain the causes of a very small proportion of leukemia. No risk factors have been shown in the majority of patients with leukemia.

Other causes of leukemia;

  • Long-term use of technological devices such as tablets and mobile phones by children
  • Air pollution
  • Additives in foodstuffs
  • Chemicals
  • Decayed foods

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6 Warning Signs Of Leukemia

#1) Anemia: Anemia is one of the first signs of leukemia.  Anemia develops with the reduction of red cells in the bone marrow. Physiological anemia may occur between six months and one year after birth, but anemia should never be considered a normal condition, and you should consult a doctor. There are certain hemoglobin values ​​for each age group, and their lower values ​​should always be considered abnormal. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, and leukemia is also often not recognized for this reason.

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#2) Fever: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) causes a persistent high fever. The cause of fever in leukemia is the infection caused by the suppression of the white spheres which are the defense system of the normal body in the bone marrow due to infiltration of bone marrow by leukemic cells.

#3) Weakness: Weakness is another sign of anemia. As a general condition, metabolism in children can be impaired, leading to loss of appetite and fatigue.

Signs of Leukemia

#4) Loss of weight: Weight loss develops due to lack of appetite. The cause of weight loss is caused by cytokines released from leukemic cells affecting the appetite center and anorexia. If the child has lost more than 10 percent weight in the last six months, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

#5) Bone pain: Children may have pain in every part of their body, such as arms, legs, and hip. For prolonged joint pain, the presence of leukemia should be questioned by performing a blood test. Tests should never be neglected, especially if there are anemia and weight loss associated with bone pain.

#6) Bleeding: A child lying at night without any complaints can wake up with serious bleeding in the morning. There may be bleeding in the throat and accumulated in the mouth. Nasal bleeding, bleeding in the feces, black defecation, and bleeding gums can be a sign of leukemia. Bleeding of the gums may occur suddenly, as well as become more severe during tooth brushing.

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