Healthy Lifestyle

Ways to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Ways to quit smoking are not that far away. First, get a larger glass of water. Be sure to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. In addition, you start to drink beverages such as sugar-free herbal teas, soda, and low-fat or skim milk. On the other hand, it is a known fact that green tea increases the metabolic rate. Do not say that I cannot drink. Push yourself a little, you will get used to it. Here, we will give some easy ways to quit smoking without gaining weight.

Ways to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Do not stop drinking coffee

A significant number of experts emphasize that people who quit smoking may experience nicotine withdrawal if they stay away from coffee, also. This situation increases the possibility of starting smoking again. So, if you have a habit of drinking coffee every morning, go ahead. But this time, without smoking.

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Play sports

There may be a decrease in metabolism when nicotine is out of the body. According to research, people who start playing sport, when they quit smoking are twice as successful in quitting smoking. On the other hand, it will help to relieve the so-called happiness hormone, when you play sport,s and you will not want to poison your healthy body with cigarette smoke. Here is the most effective way to quit smoking!

Reduce your portion sizes

According to experts, those who quit smoking have a sense of taste again. Therefore, having more pleasure from what you eat and drink may lead you to eat more. To avoid this, take care to eat less and frequently. For example, start using smaller plates in your meals.

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Chew gum

According to some experts, nicotine gum is effective in quitting smoking, while some experts think that nicotine gum has a negative point that makes you remember smoking. For this reason, you can choose to distract yourself with sugar-free or menthol gums to guarantee your work. A chewing gum with menthol which you will throw in your mouth when you want to smoke will take the idea of smoking away from your mind.

Eat Fruit Instead of Dessert

The most important way to quit smoking is to regulate your eating and drinking habits, because when you stop smoking, blood sugar disorders may occur. It means that you may want more sweet and carbohydrate foods. In such cases, eat fresh and dried fruits instead of sweet desserts. Even get the habit of carrying fruit with you.

Bottom Line

Smoking is one of the causes of many cancers, especially the mouth, tongue, and larynx. It also is an essential factor in cancers of the stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. A significant part of COPD patients, a highly dangerous lung condition, are smokers. When you stop smoking, these risks will reduce.  The difficult process of quitting smoking is the first few days. The desire to smoke is necessarily reduced by the day after quitting. It is never too late to get rid of cigarettes, which have numerous damages to the body. The significant step to quitting smoking is the determination of the person. Having tried quitting before, but your failure should not disturb the motivation. According to research, the majority of people who succeed in quitting are those who try to quit 3-4 times.

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