
How to Get Rid of Nausea (During Pregnancy)

How to Get Rid of Nausea. Pregnancy causes significant changes in both the physical and psychological status of women. While women experience new habits in this process, they also have to deal with some negativities. Nausea, which is one of the signs of pregnancy, can be very challenging, especially for women who will become mothers for the first time. Does every pregnant woman experience nausea? Nausea is a condition that affects about seventy-five percent of all pregnant women.  Nausea occurs as a result of increased hormone levels, and it generally begins from the sixth week of pregnancy and lasts until the fourteenth week. Nausea in pregnancy may be more intense in the morning and will ease in the rest of the day. So, in pregnancy, nausea can occur not just in the morning, but at any time of the day. In this article, we will explain morning sickness by giving some tips to reduce nausea during pregnancy.

Nausea During Pregnancy

Pregnancy sickness

It is a problem that is not fully understood in terms of causes of nausea in pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and how you respond to them probably play a role. During the first trimester of your pregnancy, there are a lot of hormonal changes in your body. In particular, an increase in HCG and estrogen hormones is thought to trigger nausea. The heightened sense of smell triggered by different hormones also causes nausea during pregnancy.  Besides, in rare cases, unrelated conditions, such as thyroid or liver disease, may cause particularly severe nausea or vomiting. Women with twin or more babies may also have more pronounced symptoms.

When Does Morning Sickness Start?

Nausea in pregnancy usually begins before the ninth week of pregnancy. Some women may experience even just in the second week, while some does not experience at all. Morning sickness can last for several weeks or months but usually decreases at the end of the first trimester. Pregnant women are able to overcome this period more easily by paying attention to some issues. For example, it is important that the mother does not get out of bed suddenly during this period. In addition to this, avoiding food that causes disgust for a while, consuming food more slowly, taking nutrients that have a stomach acid-reducing effect can make this process easier.

How to Reduce Nausea During Pregnancy

  • You should consume low-fat foods.
  • You should not eat food that is difficult to digest.
  • You can use multivitamin and folic acid supplements after consulting your doctor. In some cases, iron supplementation may force the digestive system
  • Avoid fried foods
  • Cut the lemon in half and smell it.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Drink ginger or chamomile tea
  • Smelling bad of your room and perfumes can increase nausea
  • Avoid stress. Depression, being unhappy, stress may cause nausea during pregnancy.
  • Morning sickness can be more intense during pregnancy. Because after a long night’s sleep, the stomach remains empty, which increases the likelihood of nausea in the morning. Good breakfast in the early morning is good for your empty stomach.

Becoming dehydrated may increase nausea. That’s why decaffeinated, sugar-free freshly squeezed fruit juices can be used as a good source to provide the vitamins and minerals your body needs and to eliminate water deficiency. If vomiting and nausea persist, consult your doctor. You can also take medicines that your doctor recommends.

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