Healthy Lifestyle

Whiten Your Teeth With Orange Peels ( 8 Benefits of Orange Peels)

Do oranges help whiten teeth? Can you use orange peels to whiten teeth? Dental care is important for every person. However, excessive caffeine and cigarette consumption can cause damage to the teeth. Without regular dental care, it causes dental plaque. If you want to get rid of dental plaque at home without going to the dentist, you can easily make the recipes for you at home. The most natural way to eliminate yellow cigarette stains on teeth is to rub the teeth with orange peels. Orange peel is an easy way to clean tooth enamel. Orange peel whitens teeth, helps to prevent blemishes and fight bacteria. Here, we will explain how you can whiten your teeth with orange peels and their eight benefits that you should know.

Whiten Your Teeth At Home

Everyone has the right to have teeth that attract attention. You can use teeth whitening methods at home to smile and impress everyone with your beauty. Color changes such as yellowing and darkening may occur on the tooth plate over time due to various factors. Smoking, tea, and coffee consumption are the leading factors. First of all, you can regain the old shine of your teeth by whitening your teeth at home with your methods, but you should pay attention to the acidic content of natural materials during the tooth whitening process. You can also look at other tooth whitening methods in “6 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home (Naturally)”.

Whiten Your Teeth With Orange Peels

Rubbing your teeth with the orange peel is a natural and reliable way to whiten your teeth. The white part of the orange peel contains a compound called limonene, which is used in many whiting commercial products. Like the fruit itself, the orange peel is not acidic. Therefore, there is no risk of damage to the tooth enamel. Rub your teeth with orange peel twice a week and then brush your teeth with toothpaste.

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Whiten Your Teeth With Orange Peels

How Your Teeth Stain

The tooth enamel is a porous structure, so when you eat colorful fruits like blueberries or drink wine, your teeth change color for a short time. The structure of the tooth enamel is not a problem as long as you brush your teeth because the color of the teeth will return to normal. However, some nutrients may cause more permanent staining of the teeth. Coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks are products cause brown and yellow stains on the teeth. Smoking and not paying attention to the health of your mouth and teeth are elements that will overshadow your beautiful smile. Because these elements increase the porous structure of tooth enamel.

To Always Have White Teeth

  • Always keep your teeth clean.
  • Do not brush your teeth too hard.
  • Use dental floss.
  • Stop smoking if you smoke.
  • Minimize the consumption of tea, coffee, and acidic beverages.
  • Consume drinks with a straw.

8 Benefits Of Orange Peels

Orange is one of the most widely consumed fruits worldwide. What most people don’t know is that orange peels are beneficial for your health. For most people, throwing the orange peel in the trash is almost instinctive. However, it has been proven that orange peels have many benefits that are good for your health and also have effects on preventing disease. The taste of its peels is not as delicious as its fruit or juice. However, the active ingredients in it can be a reason to consider adding in it to your diet.

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#1) Protect Dental Health

Chewing a piece of orange peel refreshes your breath, inactivates bacteria, prevents yellow spots on your teeth, and prevents cholesterol. The extracts and essential oils it contains are kinds of a  shield against the harmful effects of bacterial plaques and infections.

#2) Prevent Cholesterol

Phytochemicals and flavonoids in the orange can be a natural treatment for people with uncontrolled cholesterol. Besides, it prevents plaque formation in the vessels causing a blockage. It also has benefits for cardiovascular health, because it reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

#3) Relieve Digestion

It is estimated that 10.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams of orange peel. Fiber is a necessary food for digestive health. Orange peel is one of the best treatments you can prepare at home to prevent restless bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and inflammatory diseases. Besides, it has a relaxing effect. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the intestinal flora that protects your intestines.

#4) Stop Stomach Burning

The active ingredients in the orange peels have an alkaline effect and reduce stomach acid. Making smoothies or teas with orange peels balances the digestive pH. It also prevents the formation of too much acid during digestive problems. In case of very serious and frequent recurrent heartburn, you should drink once a day for 20 days.

Amazing Benefits of Orange Peels

#5) Have Anti-bacterial Properties

Natural extracts in orange peels contain high amounts of phenol and antioxidant components. It also has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It fights against many harmful pathogens, including E. coli or Listeria monocytogenes.

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#6) Prevent Respiratory Diseases

Orange peel contains ten times more vitamin C than orange juice. As a result, it is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system. Orange peel, an antioxidant, slows down the formation of viruses and bacteria. It also strengthens the defense mechanism.

#7) Help To Lose Weight

Orange peel is very low in calories, contains fiber, and has detox properties that help you lose weight. Drinking tea or adding it to other recipes stimulates your body’s cleansing process. It also helps you stay full for a long time, so you don’t get too many calories.

#8) Good for your skin

Orange peels have many benefits to the skin. High levels of vitamin C reduce the formation of stains and eliminate other scars caused by premature aging. Thanks to its extracts, the orange peel helps you remove and cover all small spots caused by the sunburns and toxins. Orange peel tea acts as a natural tonic, so it deeply cleans all pores, prevents the formation of blackheads and acne.

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