
What types of headaches can be a sign of a brain tumor?

What types of headaches can be a sign of a brain tumor?

Severe headache, nausea, weakness in the arms and legs… All these symptoms can be considered as the harbinger of a brain tumor. In addition, in the patient with a brain tumor; speech disorders, hearing loss and psychological problems can also be seen.

Malignant tumors are common in children and the elderly.

The incidence of brain tumors in the community is 3-5 people per 100 thousand. It can be seen at any age from newborn to advanced age groups. It is relatively more common in males and whites. The type of tumor differs according to age ranges. Benign tumors are seen in women, and malignant brain tumors are more common in children and over 60 years of age. Brain tumors can develop from the brain’s own cells or spread to the brain from another region.

Cell phone increases risk

Although the exact factors that cause brain tumors are not known, some factors increase the risk. These can be listed as follows:

family history
The white race
male gender
exposure to radiation
Cell phone use

Persistent headache and personality change should be considered

The most common symptoms of brain tumors are headaches and seizures. Severe headaches that have not been experienced before, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and decreased hearing may be the harbingers of brain tumors. In addition to weakness and numbness in a certain part of the body, personality changes, problems in thinking, speaking, remembering and concentrating can also be seen. However, it should not be forgotten that these symptoms may occur as the causes of different diseases.

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The first choice in treatment is “surgery”

The gold standard in the diagnosis of brain tumors is MRI. Examination of the tumor in the pathology laboratory after removal gives precise information about its type. Treatment of brain tumors is mostly surgical. In some tumors, whole brain radiotherapy or regional radiotherapy can be added to the treatment. Surgical treatment is performed by brain biopsy or microsurgery. With the technological developments and the increase in surgical experience, the risk of complications decreases and the success rate increases in both methods.

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