

All users who visit Firsthealthstation.com are thought to have accepted all of the following terms and conditions. Those who do not fully accept the terms of use specified by the site are kindly requested not to use this website.

All information on the site is created for the purpose of informing the users only. Therefore, our website is not responsible for any risk or potential complaints and problems that may occur due to any information, pictures, and similar content on Firsthealthstation.com. All users who visit Firsthealthstation.com and review the information on the site may use this information as they wish, but they must accept that they are fully responsible. The results of the use of the information on the site also belong to the users and visitors using the information on Firsthealthstation.com. Firsthealthstation.com is a sharing platform for information purposes only.

All the comments, shared photos, or posts made by the users of the site under the posts shared on Firsthealthstation.com belong to the users who share it again. Our website does not accept any responsibility for such shares. It is entirely the responsibility of the user to take into account these comments, which often contain misleading content for advertising and promotional purposes to click on the link links in the comments.

It is assumed that each user who visits the site has read and understood all the above terms of use and agrees to comply with all of these terms in full. The rights of editing or deletion of any content on the Site without notice belong to Firsthealthstation.com only.

This site just shares information found on internet to inform people. No information contained on this site is strictly doctor’s advice or medical treatment. For this reason, people with various health problems should go to the nearest health institution to be examined.
