
5 Warning Signs Of Tongue Cancer

What Is Tongue Cancer? How do you know if you have cancer of the tongue? If you have an ulcerated wound with irregular edges on your tongue and the wounds do not heal for weeks or even months, you should always consult an ear nose throat specialist (ENTs), because they can be a sign of a sneaky progressing tumor. Here, we will explain the five warning symptoms of tongue cancer in the text below.

What Is Tongue Cancer?

The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth and has many significant functions such as chewing, swallowing, initiation of digestion, speech, and taste. As with many tissues of the body, the tongue can also have tumors. As with any tumor, having sufficient information about this subject enable the person to consult to the doctor as soon as possible, because early diagnosis and treatment are essential for the health of the person. Tongue cancers can usually begin in cells that cover the surface of the tongue or may originate from any tissue. They are tumoral lesions caused by prolonged smoking and alcohol use. The most important risk factors in tongue cancer are tobacco and alcohol use. In addition to smoking, those who have a habit of chewing tobacco are at high risk. The HPV virus can also cause tongue cancer. You can also look at “Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

5 Warning Symptoms of Tongue Cancer

#1) Wounds On The Tongue

Wounds on the tongue are essential symptoms of tongue cancer. Although tongue cancers originate mostly from the free edges of the tongue, they can occur anywhere in the tongue. While simple aphthae (mouth ulcer) usually heal within days, you should be careful if it is long-term aphthae. The tumor may progress under the mucosa and cause abnormal stiffness of the tongue. Therefore, pay attention to any possible stiffness in your tongue.

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#2) Swelling On The Tongue

When the tumor spreads to the lymph nodes of the neck, it can cause swelling. You should pay attention to the swelling in the same area of ​​the neck, which grows gradually for weeks and months, does not shrink, is stiff, and has lost its mobility.

#3) Change In Speech

Tongue cancer can cause movement disorder in the tongue. Changes in speech may occur in the patient who cannot turn his tongue freely in the mouth.

#4) Pain and Bleeding In The Tongue

While tongue cancers can cause pain in the tongue, it can cause bleeding in the tongue when it progresses further. In advanced tumors, severe pain can be felt in ears.

#5) Bad breath

With the progression of the tumor, bad breath may occur in the mouth due to dead tissues called necrotic tissue and deterioration of oral hygiene.

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